Back in 2007 (I figured out the date, the year I mentioned in the podcast is wrong) my husband Chris was exploring in Big Cypress National Preserve in some of their cypress domes and sloughs. Some of these are very remote and require bushwhacking or hiking into from swamp buggy trails. He was out looking for plants and just exploring the area. This podcast details an encounter with a Florida black bear that he had out there and probably one of the most scary wildlife encounters he’s had to date. I wanted him to share the story hear for hikers to hear and for everyone to just reassess their general safety awareness and remind themselves that wildlife encounters of various species can occur in the wild and Florida is no exception!
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Narrow strapleaf fern, Campyloneurum angustifolium
Music: “Breathing” by Lee Rosevere
Show Notes
+A Bear Story via my blog
+Narrow Strapleaf Fern via FNAI